The most common reason for a neck pain is getting a degenerative disease is a disk cervical spine. Every year, a disease that's getting younger and younger. Susceptible people who do the daily work in a sitting position, do not participate in physical activity. It is important to know what is degenerative cervical disc disease, the symptoms, the treatment at home.
Characteristic of the disease
Osteochondrosis – a disease that affects the spine or more of the intervertebral discs. When the development of the soft elements of the disc is damaged or costeniuc, the vertebrae begin to touch each other, thus squeezing blood vessels, and nerve fibers in the vicinity.

Cervical osteochondrosis – one of the most common types of lesions a spinal, which may occur as the elderly, as well as a approximately 20 years.
The first signs
A fact is due to the fact that the neck and spinal division of the intervertebral discs is not too high, even a small damage is the cause of a disease. At the beginning of the problems that testify:
- osiplosti, hoarseness;
- a in growth a dental problems (I have to go to the dentist more often than usual, for example, a partial destruction of the teeth);
- blurred vision;
- burning feeling between the shoulder blades;
- throat pain, as in angina;
- pain in the shoulder Department, the occipital region across the length of the hand;
- weakness of forelimbs;
- loss of coordination, reflecting the uneven gait;
- frequent dizziness, which can be medicine;
- decreased stamina;
- the feelings of fatigue immediately after waking up;
- regularly recurring headache on the left side of the chest, radiating to the arm;
- the limited mobility of the neck, in the crunch, when it turns out as well as tilts.
In various cases, cervical osteochondrosis may be a number of additional symptoms. So it depends on the location of a damaged intervertebral disc.
Specialists distinguish between different types of syndromes of degenerative cervical disc disease, including the following:
- Radiculáriszt. Develops as a consequence of a pinched nerve. The person experiences sharp pain that spreads to the neck, the shoulders, and gently, so until then, while the fingers (or a hand). The radiculáriszt syndrome is characterized by tingling or "Murakami" of the skin, blanching of the skin mild swelling.
- Artery vertebral syndrome. The main feature is the "wrap-around" headache. Most often this pain is constant, but in some cases may be recurring. Backup pain with increased activity or after a long stay in an uncomfortable position. At the same time, decreased immunity, headaches may be accompanied by nausea, loss of consciousness. In this case, possible, hearing, vision, problems with the vestibular system.
- Syndrome cervical migraine. In this case, since the changed position of the vertebrae and the discs between them to disturb the blood circulation in the brain, which is accompanied by ringing in the ears or nasal congestion, tachycardia, a noise, a head, etc.
- High blood pressure. Characterized by increased intracranial pressure. The patient suffers from strong headaches, often accompanied by nausea.
Often during the disease exacerbation, the patient rise to a test temperature.
Characteristics of the stages of the disease symptoms

A process of a disease development experts distinguish 4 stages:
- Section I. in this section, an inter-vertebral disc displacement, violation of stability. A person feels a muscle tension affected areas, as well as a bit of a pain. Mild symptoms, as a general rule, this stage takes place almost imperceptibly.
- Section II. It starts with a destruction of a ring of fibrous, reduce the distance between the vertebrae. The symptoms, the pain is localized to a certain point, and tilting or turning the head. Also this point might be fatigue.
- Stage III. Fibrous ring was completely destroyed, a hernia develops. A spine thus deformed, the pain is much stronger. To reduce the unpleasant man forced to limit the movement. Clear signs – frequent dizziness, fatigue.
- Stage IV. In this stage, characterized by complete immobility of a damaged part of the spine. Regularly possible extinction of pain, but I always came back more and more.
A deeper, a defeat, a intervertebral discs, the smaller the probability of a complete cure for a disease.
Reasons for a cervical degenerative disc disease
For some reason, at the beginning, the development of a disease. Among the most common:
- genetic predisposition;
- posture;
- age;
- the trauma of the spine;
- heavy loads, including heavy physical work, sports;
- infectious diseases through earlier;
- wearing tight, uncomfortable shoes, or high heels;
- unhealthy diet, including excessive harmful foods.
In addition, a developed degenerative disc disease can contribute to obesity, frequent stress, the sedentary lifestyle, even in severe hypothermia.
The danger of the disease
The sooner it started, neck osteochondrosis, the stronger the possible complications. A development of the disease When at a young age is possible following consequences:
- hernia, an intervertebral disc;
- radiculopathy cervical roots;
- inter vertebral protrusion of a cervical spine (protrusion);
- vertebrogenic cervicalgia, etc.
Furthermore, in the case of a disk running in degenerative disease possible problems in vertebrate arteries, the development of paresis, and other related diseases.
Rules for home treatment

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis in different ways, including to perform the treatment at home, but according to certain rules. The first, just home treatment for a mode stage of the disease. Advanced disease that can be used in a home method, but in combination with other professional treatments. Secondly, a methods in the home to self-medicate should consult to the doctor after a proper diagnosis.
Effective medications
A Modern medicine uncle sanyi offers a selection of different pills, patches, and ointments, or gels directed. Ezek tools not only help you to get rid of the pain in osteochondrosis, but also a prevent further destruction of the cartilage of the intervertebral discs.
Among the most effective pharmacy popular products a treatment for a degenerative cervical disc disease is often different from the previous one:
- Warming and anesthetic cream/gel.
- Muscle relaxants – medications that reduce muscle tone, and reduce inflammation.
- Transdermal patches, to special medical treatment, which is the most commonly used thiamine (B1 vitamin), glucosamine sulfate, chondroitin. Heat a easily penetrate drug in the muscle tissue, which is anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect. In addition, a fix, to relieve the spasms of the muscles them back to the physical activity.
- Vitamin complexes. Vitamins are an integral part of the therapy, because it strengthens the body, improves the metabolic processes, which, in turn, affect the recovery of muscle, cartilage, improving the conduction of nerve impulses, normalization, sensitivity of the skin, etc. Among the vitamins necessary in the treatment of degenerative cervical disc disease, the experts distinguish the b-vitamins as well as retinol (A) tocopherol (E) calciferol (D), ascorbic acid, and nicotinic acid
- Chondroprotectors. The main activity, ezek such drugs, which are designed to restore the cartilage tissue, increases circulation, and reduces pain. However, treatment with these drugs gave results that should be applied for a sufficiently long period (3-6 art).
To improve the efficiency of treatment it is possible to combine drugs of different groups, for example, vitamin complexes with chondroprotectors, or repairs.
Using the traditional recipes
A lot of recipes, a treatment for a degenerative disease is a disk cervical spine can be found in the folk medicine:
- To relieve pain an exacerbation of osteochondrosis help a average hell. For this purpose, apply need to place a an inside page, and fix the bandage. Data sheet pre-scalded with boiling water. In the morning with a neck pain calmed down almost 100%.
- Mint is a doctor prior to aid you can use the potato. To prepare the potato medicine, a tuber, a medium-sized rubbed on a fine grater, then mix with honey in the ratio 1:1. The consistency of a given composition is similar to an ointment. Potato honey mixture is used as a poultice applied to the neck, compression to the top of this paper towel, and secure with a bandage. Keep the compress 2 hours, after which the skin is wiped with a damp cloth, and then smeared a pine oil. An exacerbation of osteochondrosis, treatment 7-10 days, but the prevention of a compress can be done 1 time per week.
- Other popular bets are allowed, the participating bee product– propolis. To homemade drugs, you will need propolis 1 g, 50 g of aloe juice (freshly squeezed), and mustard powder. Ezek the components are dissolved in vodka 0.5 liters of alcohol or (diluted). The resulting solution was applied to a pregnant tissue, which then can be applied to the neck area, at night. To enhance the effect, a neck additionally, you can wrap a wool scarf.
- Paraffin compress – I need another drug to fight inflammation and pain. Before applying the neck, the wax is melted, a steam bath, leave to cool and then a little of a burn to the skin. Instead of a wax you can use wax. Heating paraffin or wax is held 1 time in 3 days.
- The dough is a turpentine. This is necessary for a treatment method to the dough to a rye flour and filtered water. Relatively flexible, but not too tight. A received a form in the batter for a pancake. After this place the sore rubbed with turpentine, and put it on the top of the finished cake. Duration of procedure – 15-20 min, a frequency – 3 times a week.

A treatment of a cervical degenerative disc disease, conventional medicine does not offer only compression, rubbing, but also the means, to the inside:
- Herb. Prepare a medicinal infusion of dandelion leaves in the form of, yarrow, thyme, st. john's wort, chamomile, calendula. Each ingredient – 1 tablespoon of All vegetable ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Who 2 tablespoon of mixture, put them in a thermos, pour 1 liter of boiling water and insist within hours. The Prepared infusion drink 3 times a day (60 ml per dose) before meals. A course of treatment – 20 days.
- Infusion of bay leaves. To 1 Cup of water requires 10 grams of bay leaves. All the ingredients in an enamel pan, boil on low heat for 5 within 5 minutes, as a resulting broth insist 3 hours, filter. Drink the infusion a day in small SIPS. The course is 4 days. After a break of a week, repeat the treatment.
- A decoction of parsley. Prepared as follows: 3 tablespoons of crushed roots of a plant is poured into 750 ml of water, then boil on slow heat for hours. The resulting broth is filtered and cooled. Drink medicine a twice a day 1 tbsp. spoon. This should be done in the morning on an empty stomach, before sleep.
- Infusion of celery juice. To prepare celery root is rubbed on a fine grater, after which it received a weight carefully unscrew the soup. Then every tablespoon of broth, then add 100 ml of boiled hot water and leave to infuse for 2 hours. Take an infusion of 2 tbsp. tablespoon before each meal.
- Infusion of blueberry leaves. Infusion because It is the good-anti-inflammatory effect. In order to 3 tsp. a change was dust pour leaves a glass of water boiling. After two hours the resulting composition was a strain, drink 2 tablespoons three times a day.
- Alcohol tincture of pine nuts. To receive effective drugs for pine nuts, a shell crushed, a glass jar, then pour a vodka. Close the container tightly sense that a place a week. A daily capacity should be carefully shake. After 7 days, the resulting infusion is filtered. Drink three times a day, 2 tsp per dose.
Is there a Way, mint is an effective means to replenish the potassium, and calcium in the body is a traditional medicine suggested that the question of this, a number of teaspoons of sesame seeds (daily for some time the question in with a spoon, but several times a day).
A effectiveness of self-massage

Kneading, rubbing and stroking, improves blood circulation, reduces pain, relieves the tension in your muscles, to normalize the metabolism. However, in order not to harm yourself during self-massage is necessary to observe a few rules:
- Massage to do only the pads of the fingers.
- Do not apply pressure to the injured area.
- All movements should be smooth, without sharp, quick pressure.
- It is necessary to massage a back of her head, muscles of a back and lateral areas of the neck.
- Carry out the procedure you need just ül. For your comfort, you need to throw one leg over the other and rests on an elbow to reach to the back of the neck and spine. Another however, it is necessary to embrace the neck from all sides.
A duration of a massage – 10 minutes. Frequency – daily. It is not necessary to own massage, severe pain. It's better if they wait till it eased a bit.
Correctly performed massage can be helpful for more effective than even the best medicine.

It is advisable to have your home complement treatment a gymnastics practices. They are recommended to be conducted after the warm up in a tub or in the shower. The most effective exercises with cervical osteochondrosis are the following:
- The head tilts. Have to Run, stand up straight, extend hands along the body, and then tilt your head first, then left. In every situation and should be delayed approximately 10 seconds.
- Tilts to the side. The previous does Not change position, the head tilted left and right, the keep, in every direction, 10 minutes.
- The situation is the same, but head of the most have to all take turns prohibited direction, lingering half a moment.
- A turn of events. Put your hand on a waist, press your chin slightly and turn the head to the side, so it rests on your shoulders. In this situation, you have to stand 50 seconds.
- Breeding hands. This activity is performed in the sitting position. To do this, a chair to sit, put your hands on your knees. After a hand is stretched, and careful cultured hand. At the same time, tilt your head, and then back to the starting position.
- Hard to turn. A palm of a left right shoulder (the elbow at a right angle) and simultaneously turn your head to the right. Then you are ready to practice using the right hand.
In addition to ezek exercises a help and osteochondrosis many others. For example, during the holidays you can go on a hard couch, so that the shoulders lay on the edge of a head hung down. Hands should be relaxed and extended the investigation along. Within a few minutes, as necessary, to raise and keep your head down, straining only the neck muscles. The first exercise is performed lying on your back, just then my stomach turned.